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"The two 'roadies', Steve (Cecott) and Lenny (Eric Reaume), provide a good dose of comic relief without going into slapstick..."

(Night of the Dolls)

"I really enjoy his work! He's my favorite actor"

RJ's Mom (Probably)

"[T]he characters (are) far more fleshed out and colorful ... especially those in the horror genre. This of course is helped by some great performances ...  RJ Cecott as a stand out."

Mark Bullock;

(Night of the Dolls)

"RJ Cecott was another standout for me ... the comic relief. I really liked him ... the talent was just a step above anything [Rad Entertainment] worked with before."

                          Jon "The Host" Dunning; They Said, We Said (Film Hooligans)

(Idle Girl)

"When you have good performances [by Leanne Johnson and RJ Cecott] in an independent movie like this, I think that makes all the difference."

Jason Alt; They Said, We Said (Film Hooligans)

(Idle Girl)

"The young boy, Fergus (Cecott), was especially winning, which is perfect, because it is through his curiosity that we are led through the stories…"

                          Anonymous Judge; AACT Adjudication 2021 (Finding the Sun)

"I enjoyed how everyone stayed in the action even when it was not their scene.   It showed us the passage of time, and on the beach I feel that there is a fine line between serenity and boredom as you sit at the beach. Fergus (Cecott) demonstrates that as he picks the sand out of his toes..."

                          Anonymous Judge; AACT Adjudication 2021 (Finding the Sun)

"(Cecott as) Fergus is a wonderful a d o l e s c e n t..."

                          Anonymous Judge; AACT Adjudication 2021 (Finding the Sun)

"Young Fergus (RJ Cecott) was a stand out for me as was his mom (Linda Cunningham). They, along with the older couple (Sam Buonomo & Lillian Mitchell), brought more dimension to their characters and I understood their role in the comedy landscape."

                          Anonymous Judge; AACT Adjudication 2021 (Finding the Sun)

"...[D]efinitely brought a sense of earnestness and total likability to Johnny that was a pleasure to watch!"

                          Taylor Tash (Book & Lyrics); on Opening Night (Night Tide)

"RJ Cecott also offered an incredible portrayal of the extremely troubled Jason, a young third generation factory worker ... who's combustive personality combined with parental trauma and job frustrations are quickly leading him down a destructive path."

                         Sydney Milligan; (Sweat)

"RJ Cecott (Nick) knows how to navigate Nick’s cocky aspirations and disappointments. He creates a natural, down-to-earth character – a complete contrast to George. He is also a wonderful sparring partner in our scenes."

                         Louis Arata (George); on Opening Night

                                         (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)

"[RJ is] one of the finest actors I've ever seen on stage. [He] create[s] characters that are complete and believable."                         

Andy Leahy (Director); on Opening Night (Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?)

"The actors are super cool. They own their parts...Let's just say, super well done. [The cast of Women in Jeopardy!] had me captivated more perhaps than the written comedy...And please give a standing-O for the cast. Bravo!"              

Wes Bushby; Show Photographer and Blogger (Women in Jeopardy!)

"RJ Cecott’s zealous portrayal of the beguiling ringleader and 'affluenza'-afflicted bully Dennis Ziegler was impressive; and the bold choices and vulnerability of his performance made clear not only the actor’s skill, but effort to connect with the character as profoundly as possible."


"As the production’s fight choreographer, Cecott must also be recognized for the high-caliber stage combat work seen in this piece."                         

Sydney Milligan; (This is Our Youth)

Have you seen my work? Feel free to comment below with your thoughts!

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© 2021 by RJ Cecott.

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